Nowadays we hear a lot about "Living Your Dreams," and "Finding Your Purpose," and other equally attractive but seemingly distant ideas - I mean, who ever told you you could live your dreams when you were a kid? Or how to go about doing it! Wasn't it "the Way" go to school, grow up, get a job, marry, make babies, live happily for the rest of our lives?
I remember my mother telling me I was so talented but maybe I ought to learn how to type, and my father telling me I better take graphic art instead of fine art because, "As everyone knows, artists don't make a whole lot of money. And you'll probably quit, get married and get pregnant anyway." Such a lot of faith in me he had.
So of course I reversed it and got pregnant, didn't get married (quite yet), and never quit my artwork. He didn't count on how stubborn I was. Am.
See, I believe in my Dreams. I believe in my abilities, and I believe in the support the universe gives people who are committed to living their Dreams. Sure, I've doubted and wavered once in a while - especially during the long period of time I was sick, but as I lay ill, depressed or simply not strong enough to do a thing, all I could think of was creating stuff. Not just artwork, but writings and speakings and playings - however Spirit wanted to run through me. When I can live an art-full life, it doesn't mean I have to make "art." The Dream never left me. More times than not, sick, depressed and discouraged, I tried to leave IT.
But now, many of the things I dreamed of as I lay ill have now come true. Somehow, I held on.
What is that? What holds people fast even through the most difficult times?
I say it's Passion. Not just the heat of the moment in an intimate encounter, but Core Passion. That passion lying within our very core of cores that won't quit, that will never go away, even if we distance ourselves from it, dissuade ourselves from our belief in it, or are tricked, conditioned or beat out of believing in its possibilities.
I've read in psych journals that our mind-habits are pretty much set at the age of five. That's pretty scary. How many of us, as kids, were told our "invisible friends" were not there, how many who naturally saw auras were told to stop lying, nobody saw stuff like that, you're only trying to get attention, and that things don't really look like that? How early we get squashed into flat-feelinged, good little numb 9 to 5-ers.
I say to hell with that. Sorry. I'm passionate about passion. I've seen it waken a paralyzed face from Bell's Palsy, a dying woman from Chronic Fatigue, and another from the insidious symptoms of MS, even. I've seen it overtake the downward spiraling thoughts of suicidal rape victims and self-cutting teenage girls. I saw it keep ME alive against all odds.
Passion is an attribute of those who are generally called "survivors." I used to be proud of being a survivor - that I could Make Things Happen against odds unheard of. Until one day someone asked me why I was so proud of surviving in a world where I could THRIVE? I realized that the drama of survival was simply that - drama - entertainment. And that if I REALLY wanted to create, I needed to not just survive, but CREATE from my heart of hearts. Use the energy I was pouring into drama and survival "against" for more elevated intentions.
Survival was a hard habit to buck. I still knock up against it. No one teaches us how to live from our passion. Or so I thought until recently.
How do you know what your heart of hearts wants? Many of us think we know. But in truth, many of us really don't.
I met Lori Palm, Core Passion Expert, at the John Childers Millionaire Speakers Training in December. She's one of those people you feel comfortable talking to within the first three seconds of meeting. I was so stoked to find that I could talk with her about the deep stuff I love - there I was 6000 miles from home and I'd found a Friend.
We talked about what is Passion, how does it manifest in our lives and how can we use it to manifest, and especially, what would happen if we ran our businesses from our Core, the Passion at our Heart's Center. I very smugly (I'll admit it!) thought that I knew my passion. And I secretly thought that, even if I took her Passion Assessment, I'd find out (once again, aNOTHer assessment tells me....) that I was an artist, I compulsively created, I was a leader, I was inspiring - blah blah blah. Boy was I surprised.
I bet you don't know what YOUR passion is. I can bet you'll be just as surprised and blown away when you find out, too.
You'll get a chance to find out more on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 8 to 9:30pm Eastern US time.
Sign up HERE. I'm so pleased and excited to be able to introduce Lori to you. We've been working out the details of a program that will knock your little socks off.
Here's who will be on the FREEBIE CALL:
You who have businesses,
You who want or are creating a business,
You who want to combine your deep spirituality with what you bring to the world,
You who want to relay a message in your marketing - somehow - that says,
...but don't know how to tell you.
Or haven't quite got it solid yet.
Or know there's always room for improvement.
Market Your Uniqueness. I love the sound of that.
Each time I write you, I come from my passion, from my unique gift, from my compelling desire to find and relay news about fantastic, quality things and people. What if your marketing came straight from your passion - without being all hype, "killer" ads, or mushy, corny, sappy la-la spiritual?
What if you had the most succinctly expressed words and images that conveyed your gift?
What if your work and your marketing was so YOU that people just looking at your sites or ads or promo materials GOT it, without even reading them? I can't tell you how many times I've had that happen - posters I've put up for an EFT/Wealth Course, or the PIGEES Method, or, just this last year, the Promote Your Private Practice course. People said they didn't even read it, they just KNEW they wanted it, whatever it was.
Who wouldn't want that ability? Who wouldn't want the success that would bring? Who wouldn't want the freedom and the ability to have more fun, be more relaxed, do more good on the planet, that that would give you?
I look forward to your joining me as I introduce Lori Palm, Core Passion Expert, and her Market Your Uniqueness Teleclass. It's a FREEBIE, as I said earlier. And we have a knockout 4-Week Intensive (with some really beautiful, top-notch goodies) right afterwards, too, that we'll tell you a bit about on the call. But first we'll give you some solid, important details about how to grab your passion and get aligned with it. Make your life aligned with it. Learn how to fly high and never touch down without having decided to first. And be able to market your gift from the Inside Out.
I invite you to come:
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 8 to 9:30pm Eastern US time.
Sign up HERE
Much aloha,
Angela Treat Lyon
p.s. Remember to keep in touch at
here at !
© Angela Treat Lyon 2006 • Please feel free to use this information or article in its entirety as long as you include all contact information. Thank you! - The Best of the Best Success Experts –
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Out Front Productions
641 Paopua Lp, Kailua, Hawaii
I will be participating on the call tonight....
Posted by: Tammy Johnson | Wednesday, February 22, 2006 at 03:51 PM