Over the past year as I have conducted my PIGEES.com and Rich-Radio.com tele-classes about money, marketing, emotional release and business success, I have received a ton of notes from people asking where they could get money for their businesses and other projects or organizations they wanted to get going.
When I was at the John Childers Millionaire Speakers Training in Nashville last December, John's assistant recommended I get in touch with Christine Groves, a 15-year veteran in the grants writing business.
So, I did! And I'm delighted to be able to bring her to you next week,
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, from 8 to 9:30 pm EST US time,
How to Get YOUR Money Using the 8 Essential Elements
of Writing Grant Proposals.
Impatient? Sign up right HERE
When I called Chris, I was all set to hear dry, boring information I'd yawn over by the second word. Surprise! Chris is passionate about helping people get money for their endeavors, and puts life into everything she does.
She said to me, "Did you know that there are 70,000 foundations in the US alone who give grants for over 700 topics? That there are over a million non-profit organizations out there ready to help you? That The Federal Government has appropriated over 400 BILLION in grant money to be awarded this year?"
Chris continued by saying that there is NO SCARCITY of money - in 2004, $241,000,000 was given out by individuals in this country. I was stunned - I thought, "Hey! Where's mine?!? I've been completely ignorant of the money sitting there available for creating my dreams!"
Chris continued on, but in the back of my mind I'm thinking, "Yeah, well, she's a grant writer - it's easy for her! I'll never be able to write a grant - I just don't think like that - and it's not like I'm not too busy already! And I wouldn't have a clue how to go about it."
Chris just laughed when I told her that, and said that was exactly why she holds intensive weekend workshops all over the country (for only $300!) to show folks how to write grants.
"But, Christine," I said, "I want to do a workshop for my list in a tele-class - can you do that?"
Well, it's pretty obvious what she said!
So if you have a dream project, a business or other endeavor you've been wanting money for - money that's just sitting there waiting for you to ask for it in the right way - this is your chance to jump!
Because Christine is delighted to not only reveal Three Essential Elements of Grant Writing to us on our freebie call, she's going to uncover the other 5 Essential Elements in her four-week course - How to Get YOUR Money Using the 8 Essential Elements of Writing Grant Proposals - that starts April 12th - so we can be prepared to ask for - and GET! - the money we want for our dreams, projects, businesses and organizations.
And she has made the course so reasonable anyone can do it - it's only $149 for the whole four weeks of 90 minute classes! No plane fare, no hotel accommodations, no restaurant expenses - just the phone calls.
Who wouldn't want to learn from Chris's 15-year expertise? And believe me, she doesn't waste time with fluffy-filler talk and hemming and hawing - she talks FAST and has a LOT of clear, concise, detailed, pertinent information, and she delivers it in such a way that it's easy to understand and implement. What more could we want?
Chris is all set to reveal to you:
The secret, easy statement that determines the success of your proposal
The exact items you need before you even start writing
Why this one behavior is mandatory
The three stories that must jive
The relationship match that makes or breaks the grant
and a whole lot more!
I invite you to join us on your next step to financial freedom, business success, personal independence and the creation of your wildest dreams! Even if you're not clear on your dream yet - be prepared!
Come to the freebie, and take this course!
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 8 to 9:30 pm EST US time
How to Get YOUR Money Using the 8 Essential Elements
of Writing Grant Proposals.
To sign up: go HERE
I always want to make sure everyone comes away from my freebies with something they can use immediately - no pitch calls for me! - so Chris has agreed to give you the First Three Essential Elements of Writing Grant Proposals.
So by the time you take her 4-week course, you will have been able to start gathering necessary information, thinking about what you want, what needs you want to address, and actually beginning to start your grant proposal. I believe in Easy.
I look forward to seeing you next week, Wednesday, April 5th for the call! Bring a pen and lots of paper, and be ready to soak it all in!
Angela Treat Lyon
p.s. Tomorrow I'm going to tell you about the most incredible source of freebie audios I have ever seen - and I've seen a LOT!
I'm so pleased and so excited to make this available to you - I know you'll be as blown away as I was to see all the hours and hours of business and success tactics, strategies, ideas, how-tos and information there that can take your business to the top in no time when you implement them.
Talk about a bunch of people who have not only attracted but created, and are living their dreams! Stay tuned!
© Angela Treat Lyon 2006 • Please feel free to use this information or article in its entirety as long as you include all contact information. Thank you!
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