In the last two weeks, I've had more amazing shifts than in the past three years. I'll tell you about it.
Here I am, minding my own business one day, and I run into an old acquaintance at the bank. She looks incredible - I mean, really good - like she'd been bitten hard by the Success bug. And I don't mean rah-rah success, I mean the kind of success that leaks quietly out from a person's heart and fills the air around her until everyone has naturally turned to look and see who this person is.
I asked her what was up, and what she was doing to make her look so great. She started to tell me that she had been really successful at her Melalucca business. I thought, wow! Cool! She really went for it! But then she added a bit more about a new organization she had joined, and invited me to "come to the gathering tonight."
I really didn't hear much of what she said. Have you ever listened to someone and known - KNOWN - that whatever it was, you had to have it? Had to go? Had to be there, where ever, what ever it was?
That's what happened to me. I look back now and realize I didn't even hear words. She was saying words, they were coming out of her mouth, but there was something so much stronger emanating from her that I was completely distracted from her words. Something in the air felt proof positive that whatever it was that she had found, I had to be there that night to check it out.
So I went. I listened, I met people, I felt it out. I saw how people were dressed, how they held their bodies, how they laughed and smiled and so on. Looked normal. But I allowed it to be all new to me, instead of just-another-networking-meeting. I really had no idea what to expect. And was I ever taken by complete surprise.
Let me back up a bit. In 1984, I lived on the island of Kauai in Hawaii. I lived way out in the cane fields in a tiny town called Kekaha. It was so slow going I could have taken three naps a day and the day would still have been long. I was struggling to make it as an artist.
By chance I met a man who taught me time organization. When I started using my little brown book the way he taught me, I was filled with horror - it was painfully evident to me how much time I wasted each and every day.
Trouble was, when I started to fill in the holes in my calendar with productive activities, I realized I needed to live where life was actually happening a little faster. I moved to Oahu, the island where Honolulu is. Ah! Now we have a little action!
There, I stumbled into the seminar, Money and You, led by Marshall Thurber, Buckminster Fuller's prodigy. That three days changed my life forever. All of a sudden, I realized that there was so much more out there than I could ever have dreamed of.
Now, 21 years later, it's happened again, in a big way. Yes, there have been plenty of soul-rocking, head-opening, heart-opening workshops and seminars in between. But this! Holy moly! I can hardly believe my good luck! Here are the People I have been looking for all these years - people I want to play with!
Only thing is, they were looking for me, but I never showed up!
I was still too deep in poor-me, I'm-broke, help-me, I'm-sick, I-can't, resentment that my brothers didn't help me.... add anything you like here.
Five years ago, I found EFT. I rid myself of suicidal thoughts and feelings. I rid myself of sugar and chocolate craving. I got rid of my headaches. And a whole lot more. AND—I DECIDED that no matter what, I was going to learn how to use money RIGHT and create multiple streams of income so I could grow old without worrying about how I was going to eat when I was no longer able to work. Enter T. Harv Eker and his Millionaire Mind Intensive.
Enter me, with a new book about money - the Six Little PIGEES. And my book about EFT. And my other books. I now had something I could make a viable living with - selling books, teaching classes, interviewing experts...
In January of this year, I sat back and took stock. I was successful, yes! What a year! But the 14 to 16 hour days I was spending on the phone and in front of a screen and in the back end of my websites was NOT how I wanted to be living my life until the age of 100!
Yes, you can set it up so you have others do all that. Yes, you can set it up with affiliates and adsense and... but I felt tired, and I wanted to simplify what I was doing. I wanted to be able to have more impact, make more money, and work less. I just didn't know how yet.
Until I went to this meeting that Marilyn told me about. I almost didn't go - I was tired, and didn't really want to. My curiosity won out, though, since I almost never like to give up a chance to learn something new. I went.
Well, it just so happened that the person who had founded this mysterious company was going to speak that night. A short film was shown about the company, and I started to sit up a bit. Hm, this looks promising, I thought. But I was still wary that it might be yet again another rah rah MLM company - I've had a few not-fun experiences with those -
Then a well-dressed, soft-spken women said a few words introducing this man, and he took the spotlight. From then on, I was literally stunned. Stunned alert. Stunned amazed. Stunned almost in tears to have finally found this level of thinking manifest in this world in a whole group, not just the here and there, now and then that I had experienced so far.
He spoke about how his company helps business owners build their income and success. He spoke about how CEOs - whether newbie biz owners or seasoned millionaires - come together 5 times a year to network and share ideas, help each other and look for investments, and be invested in. It sounded like a beyond MBA-level training program/networking event. He said, think about it - people pay over 30 to 40 thousand dollars to go to business school! But they don't learn a fraction of what you learn at this place in a period of one week. I'm thinking, what IS this???
He continued with the fact that there is one lifetime fee to join. And how, if someone didn't have the money to join, they HELP them raise it! With free coaches! What???? I'm thinking, hm, W-H-A-T I-S this?
Then he said something that riveted me to my chair. And as soon as he was done speaking, I bolted to the back of the room and told that nice, soft-spoken gal that I didn't care how much it was to join, I wanted in yesterday. Last year. Last century!
Here's what he said: "This company is about creating peace through cooperation, not competition. Competition destroys trust, breaks down relationships, and the whole paradigm of us-against-them is creating chaos and havoc on the planet. It's a system that is dying out, and we're replacing it - right now, as I speak - with a new system. A new paradigm. Of trust, respect, honor, integrity and high values. Cooperation among like-minded individuals and companies they run and work for. This is the real peace. This is the peace we've been creating one bit at a time for over 17 years. It is not in the future, it is not a "maybe" thing, it is real, and we are doing it right now. Isn't this something you want to be a part of?"
He could not have gotten me at a deeper level.
He went on after that telling us about how millionaires and billionaires come to the week-long retreats they hold five times a year - and speak and teach - for free. Volunteers. People like Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Barry Spilchuk, John Childers, T. Harv Eker, and many more I never head of, frankly. There was one man he mentioned who is the owner of Performance Magazine. McGee, I think his name is. He's a billionaire. He comes all the time - to look, see, invest, teach, learn, network - yeow!
So why would I want to go play in that arena? Why would you? Truthfully, I thought I would probably hide a while to watch as people moved around so I could get comfy with being in such a rarified atmosphere! But the minute I joined, I was greeted and welcomed so graciously that I haven't felt at all intimidated by anyone.
That night, it felt so good to be in the presence of a man who was such a genius - and who was also kind, and generous and alert, and so quick it was astounding. We were all spellbound. After the talk, we formed two circles. One was for grads, and the other, my circle, was for people new to the picture.
Now, imagine this: his talk started at 7, and lasted for an hour. Afterwards, he didn't do the presidential corporate escape act. He stayed. And sat with us. He sat there and spoke to us one at a time - one on one! - until 11 that night, when at last he had to go. One at a time. Have you ever met the president of a big company who did that? A multi-millionaire who didn't need to pass the time of day with any of us?
But he did. He sat and Dreamed for each of us - "What do you do? Where do you see your company or business going?" he asked. He listened - carefully. Then he'd get this glazed look in his eyes, he'd look off into the air, and start spouting. "Your business is really about helping people in grief," he said to one gal. "You maybe going through a hard time now, but in the not-too-far future...." and he went on for ten minutes, suggesting a biz name, how the logo looked, music she could play, where she could market it and get investors, how to set up a biz plan, intellectual property rights.... Do you get what he was DOING???? How often have any of us had a straight-on genius do Dreaming for us or our business?
And just a couple days ago, he met with a friend of mine for a whole half hour and did the same for her. Man, what would you have to pay for that? That kind of intelligence, brilliance, foresight, business knowledge, global high-level contacts? A whole lot.
I joined this amazing company of his, and then I learned something later that made me weep.
In the manual, it had a paragraph about a particular rule. It said: "We are careful to not say anything that would take away from anyone's dream. No "constructive" criticism or negatives are allowed. Everyone works to make sure they are creating a PLUS environment. Everyone is safe. No one feels even slightly threatened, criticized, or down-played. We develop a habit of cooperation and support in Free Enterprise. Suspend any words in any form that would not add to the highest and greatest good of every participant and every dream. This concept can literally save months, and even years."
Oh my. Where have I been?
I thought about that. Well, the painful truth is that had I met any of them a year or five or ten back - I'd not have been ready for it. The concepts, yes. But not the inner wealth level.
Here's where the last two weeks' processing comes in. One of my exercises in joining this company has been to raise capital so I can move forward to implement my new ideas in my business: I decided I wanted to take PIGEES to a whole nother level. To have more impact on a greater scale, as wide as I could get it. Imagine being a six-year old, and you're sitting watching PIGEES cartoons instead of hit-and-squash cartoons, playing with PIGEES toys, games, learning how to relate to others in a world-wide divine Game, learning how to use your money responsibly and build multiple streams of income and invest - with support in a fun, goofy PIGEES way from the time you are that little kid!
How different would your life have been if you'd had the self-confidence, the backing, and the love and respect of your family and peers as you grew up, and lived your dream - instead of following others' rules and regs? And had training from wee-dom in the ways of money and free sprit entrepreneurship?
So I've been calling people to tell them about this new biz I'm doing, and that I'm raising a certain amount as an initial starter upper amount to get things going. And asking them if they want to be one of my angel investors (angel investors, by definition, being someone who is a first investor in a new biz) with a short-term gift, or be a loan type of angel.
At first, it was really really really hard. I kept thinking, "Man, I feel like I'm begging!!"
They told me it was not begging, that if I couldn't raise capital for my biz, I didn't believe in myself. Not my biz, myself!
I think I've done more tapping on that in the last 2 weeks than in the last 3 years! And here we've ALL been working on this how long? Like, all last YEAR together in our tele-classes??? At one point a couple days ago, I thought I'd never get it! I wondered how it would be if I just quit, and din't do all this. But that wouldn't sit well with my soul.
I finally came to the realization - it really hit me hard - that I AM wealhty, I AM successful, and that to offer someone 12% on their loan money was an OPPORTUNITY for them! The coaches had told me that a hundred times, but it ook that long - and a lot of tapping - to sink all the way in!
Duh, Angela!
I got it! It shifted EVERYTHING!
I also had been trying to do the exercise according to their guidelines as much as I could - you know, bake the cake according to the recipe, then do your weirdnesses on the next ones, right? I couldn't do this one thing. I couldn't go to meet people face to face because the majority of the people I wanted to ask were across the ocean - sometimes 2 - away from me. So I thought, OK, I love the phone, I'm going to quit trying so hard and I'm going to do what has proven to work for me.
I called one friend to reconnect - I really hadn't even intended to ask her! I didn't think she had the resources, so I just wanted to say hi and give her an update. Without blinking an eye, she asked me, "Could I give you $3000?" Whoa! OK! Thank you! And again, yesterday with another person, and another. I was so clear, so congruent, in such command of my own self and authority about my work that it just came across as a plus for all concerned, and people have been thrilled to help.
Am I blown away by this? You bet. Yes, I had confidence before, I was solid into my work and its value. But asking for support - doing the do - actually going to other people and saying, hey, I'm excited about my new biz idea, would you like to support me - I'd never done that before.
I see now that I could have tapped myself bruised in the face and raw fingered, but until I actually DID THE DO I never could have felt the way I do now. I couldn't have felt great as I said, "Yes, I'd love to have you as one of my angels. I'd love to be able to give you 12% return in a one-year contract. You only get 3% at the bank! Why not 12% human interest instead of 3% bank interest?!? I'd love to have you as one of my first optioned-in investors when the time comes."
I bet you want to know the name of the company don't you? I told you last week - it's IBI, Income Builders International. And the genius? Bernhard Dorhmann. BJ. An amazing consciousness walking around in a human suit.
If you're curious enough to want to find a regional meeting, go to HERE . I get not one red cent for telling you about it - but if and when you join, I get a new friend and the 100s of contacts you know, and you get me and mine. Think about it. What could your biz gain from such contacts, ideas, investors, advisors? Is it too good to be true? Thank the Great Spirit - no.
And if you want to be one of my angel investors, I'd love to hear from you!
Am I thrilled beyond words? Better believe it! I'll report back to you when I get back from the May Free Enterprise Forum - the week-long CEO Retreat.
aloha -
Angela Treat Lyon
© Angela Treat Lyon 2006 • Please feel free to use this information or article in its entirety as long as you include all contact information. Thank you! -
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thanks for inspiring story.
I had a chance meeting on a plane to Philadelphia with a lady from IBI Global and I'm in the process of fund busting.
Good luck with the business. sounds awesome.
Posted by: Anita Parry | Wednesday, May 03, 2006 at 02:21 AM