Two weeks ago, I had a very short, very high energy encounter with someone who was, to say the least, high energy. I've known about the fact that our bodies have electro-magnetic fields for years. But what I didn't fully comprehend until I met this man was how big a gap there can be - and how extreme it can feel - between one person's field and another. I mean, BIG. Spell that with foot-high letters.
I was at a meeting where this particular man was Dreaming for others in the group: he carefully listened to what they did and who they were, and then sort of got all glazey-eyed and started Dreaming their business for them.
It was an amazing phenomenon. In five minutes, he encapsulated each person's highest ideas and popped them through to possibilities they had never thought of.
When it came my turn, he looked at me and asked me the usual questions.
Click "continue" to find out how my system derailed me so that I missed out....
Since the whole night had thrown me for a loop, and I wasn't prepared with what I wanted to say, I felt like a complete doofus. I was so dumfounded by the whole occasion that I completely forgot (can you believe this??? Mother of PIGEES herself?!?) about my PIGEES work! Augh! I said something like, "I help people get over money and business fears and limitations so they can create and build success."
He kind of did this little sigh, and said something like, "Ah, a life coach," and started rolling out his Dreaming.
I had two hits against me before he even began: I wasn't ready for it energetically in my body or mind, and what I had said to him wasn't really the totality of what I could have told him. And here we've all been working on our passion statements, our "elevator speeches," for how long!?! Was I ever red-faced.
Here's the real kicker.
As he spoke, I felt this long cord of energy reach me from his heart/body. It started at my heart, and slowly tried to infuse my entire body. Imagine if you were to stick not just one finger but every single one into a 220 plug each. I literally could not sit still. It was all I could do to sit there and try to take in the gift of his energy and insight. I couldn't do it. My heart was racing, my skin was hot and clammy, my hands were shaking like leaves in a hurricane, and my mind turned into complete jelly. After about two minutes, I felt was so shattered with the input energetically that I held up my hand and said, "I'm not able to take this in, can we continue later?" Guess what didn't come. Later.
But that's OK. It was an enormous learning for me, and I get to meet with him again in a couple weeks - where you can bet everything you own I'll be ready!
Why am I going on about this?
Because of what I said in my first paragraph: we all have electro-magnetic fields. And guess what - if we aren't ready for the amping up of the energy (money, love, health, joy, passion, etc.) that we THINK we desire in order to get out of being broke, stuck or just to a new level - it won't happen. The energy will come to us, try to get in, and we'll either feel fried and try to evade it, or we won't feel anything at all and walk blindly by. Still stuck, still broke, still only as successful as we are right now.
It boils down to this: you cannot run the energy through a VW that it takes to power a spaceship. And right now, we are VWs. We say we want to be spaceships - or at least Bentleys - but we aren't doing enough of what it takes to prepare ourselves to run the energy through our systems.
Yes, we have been tapping - here and there, now and then. But here's what I'm thinking: what if we had a series of systematic, scheduled times when we all got together and used EFT - which we all know uses the electromagnetic system in our bodies to remove energy tangles - in order to get our systems ready and able to not only progress to our own launching pads, but blast off when the appropriate time comes? And then keep cruising on through our universes with optimum power and strength and agility?
I'm giving the first class this Tuesday, May 2 at 9pm EST.
Sign up for this Tuesday's Millionaire MasterMindSet Class:
I will hold these classes four times between now and May the 12th, when I leave to go meet that man again to work on taking PIGEES to the next beyond-quantum level. His name is BJ, and I can't tell you how much I look forward to going - and I wish you could be there, too.
So join me for the next four tele-classes! We're going to do what it takes to erase our old mentalities and make it possible for the new, rich, powerful energy we have been wishing for for so long to come into these little bodies of ours.
We're going to re-create, improve, open up and strengthen our electro-magnetic energy systems.
We're going to raise our frequencies to meet the one that has been there all along, and that we just haven't shown up for or been able to vibrate high enough for: Major Prosperity.
Look around. Does the tree in spring feel so poor it only uses half its leaves? Does the sky feel stingy and only use a part of the colors available at sunset? Do only a few of the stars above shine and not others? No. They put out at full amperage every day all day. It's there all around us. We just need to amp our systems up to be able to receive. So we don't sit there shaking ourselves silly when someone comes along and tries to give us a major gift!
I decided to only charge 19.95 per class so lots of people will be able to come. We'll have a proxy tapper like we did last week, so we can all tap along.
This week's theme is "I want to be successful/wealthy but I feel blocked."
Next week will have a different theme. (I welcome Guest Tapper appllications - send me an email with your complaint in the subject line saying what you'd like to address. I do NOT open the emails, so don't bother to write a lot!)
Sign up for this Tuesday's Millionaire MasterMindSet Class:
I really look forward to working with you!
aloha -
Angela Treat Lyon
p.s. These classes are on:
Tuesday May 2
Thursday 4
Sunday May 7
Tuesday May 9
All at 9pm EST US time
Go ahead and tell your friends about this so they can enjoy some freedom, too! They can read all about it: HERE
© Angela Treat Lyon 2006 • Please feel free to use this information or article in its entirety as long as you include all contact information. Thank you! -
24/7 Listening for your Success in Health, Wealth and Life!
go HERE for The Best of the Best Success Experts -
go HERE for the most unique Wealth-Building System Alive! -
go HERE for the International Source for the best EFT Books
Thanks for your note -
It was B.J. Dohrmann of IBI, Income Builders International. I mentioned him in the last article. Go to to find out more - and I hope, sign up, too!
much aloha -
Posted by: Angela | Monday, May 01, 2006 at 01:27 AM
This article is very interesting.
Who is this BJ and where can I find out
more about him.
Does he have a website?
Does he travel to other country's.
Can you give us more info.
Posted by: Shopping | Sunday, April 30, 2006 at 11:41 PM