This morning I had a conversation with my dear friend, Rebecca Marina.
As you may know, she and I have combined forces and done tele-classes and workshops together, especially dealing with energy, EFT, intuition, money and emotions.
I was telling her how, even after 10% of my list had signed up (in case you don't know, an internet marketer's typical signup rate for a call is between 1 and 3%) for the freebie last week on grants, the actual show-ups were very few. I did tell people to sign up even if they weren't able to come, so that was OK.
What really astounds me, after hearing how easy Christine Groves (of makes it to write your proposal, was that so few signed up for the Four-Week Successful Grant Writing Course!
I know it's not the price, because that's so low it's almost insulting to Chris.
Rebecca said she thought it was that people don't think their ideas are important enough to ask for a grant for. Or maybe they have something going on that first night - like Rebecca's class! (Which is OK - sign up anyway - listen to the audio and do the work on the first audio, then come the other 3 classes.)
Rebecca said she thought that most people might think, "Oh, no one would give me money for what I want to do!"
She thought that maybe people just haven't thought about 1) that their dream idea is valuable and worthy enough to even manifest, and 2) that the world suffers when we don't manifest our dreams. The whole world goes without. I say, we live, die, don't manifest our dream - why did we bother live so long?
Maybe I didn't tell you all about it in such a way that you really got how great a chance this is to create the things you've always wanted to do.
So I decided, as we talked, that I'd put together a special freebie class Monday night to help you address fears, doubts and worries specifically regarding your dreams and aspirations. See the info at the bottom to attend - no sign up page this time. And I'll also be giving away a goodie at the end of the 60-minute call.
OK. So, maybe your dream isn't as big as Donald Trump's. But it's YOUR dream. And if you don't get it out into manifest reality, someone else will attempt something similar - and probably not as good, intelligent, fun, or useful. Without the exact excellence, thought, or flavor yours would have had.
Look at Rebecca, now. Here's a woman who is on the cutting edge of energy work, who does EFT sessions so powerful people suddenly get pregnant when doctors couldn't help before. And she has ALREADY independently researched and put together a DVD that shows, in real time, how her own blood cells are affected by the use of EFT energy techniques. Aren't there a couple of grants waiting to be asked for right there? What if she could go deeper into either one of those? Wouldn't you WANT her to?
Is what you are doing so normal, everyday, this-is-just-what-I-do to you that you don't see the inherent value in it for the world if you could go deeper, wider, farther with it?
I have a friend who is an expert on Hawaiian flora. His knowledge helps botanists know what plants to remove from our forests, what to help propagate. He isn't getting any younger - his knowledge is lost if he died suddenly.
I have another who is a tops faux painter. Another who specializes in making copper red porcelain pottery. Another who is the top deep tissue body worker in the US. Have they thought for one second about writing a book sharing their expertise past the fleeting, "Oh, yeah, one day...." they say to me when I mention the idea?
Let me ask you something. Is there one thing you do well?
I bet you said yes.
Is it possible that people admire you and ask you how to do what you do well?
Do we have a no-brainer here?
Oh. I don't have the time. My kids (husband, mother father ....) need me. I'm sick and can't support myself anyway, much less take the energy to write a book. WHAT DO YOU THINK THE MONEY FROM A GRANT WILL HELP YOU DO????????? Clear time for you? Help you hire help? Inspire you out of your illness and/or depression as your dreams actually get created?
I want you to ask yourself, right now:
How would it feel to see my dream project
take shape right in front of my eyes?
If you just broke into tears, you better be on the Monday call.
What is it you constantly hear yourself say, "I wish I could...."?
I bet there are fifty grants inside you just waiting to get asked!
I, personally, want a grant to take a year off to write a string of books I've had groping their way out for a long time. When I was focusing on art as a way to bring in income, could I have used a grant? You bet! But I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO THINK CORRECTLY in order to sit down and write what I needed to write to ask for the money that would make my projects work.
On the freebie call, Chris made it so easy to think about writing a grant I was shocked. I wish I had known years ago that it's so simple to go through each step the way she does.
Here's how she does it. And you can hear her go through this step by step on the audio for yourself HERE :
1. Ask yourself, "What is the problem to be addressed?"
For example, with Rebecca, she'd say, "The problem to be addressed is that there's a lack of solid, detailed, scientific knowledge about the effects of EFT on the blood, and thus, on the body."
2. Ask what would be lacking in the world, society or your community without your doing this project?
Again for Rebecca, she'd say, "No one will know for sure how and why EFT affects our blood until someone does the research. No one will be able to say, yes, EFT does this, this and this - or not. Those who use EFT won't be able to unequivocally say, yes, EFT does this and this. Mainstream health practitioners won't have solid research to back up their experience of how great EFT is."
3. Ask what is it you want to do, what is the opposite of number 1? Rebecca (or someone) plans to do specific research to gain specific, detailed, scientific knowledge about the effects of EFT on the blood, and thus, on the body.
Pretty simple, yes?
Next there are goals and objectives. Ah! Did I hear you gasp! Goals! Oh no! I can't do that!
Here's a goal: to create solid, detailed, scientific knowledge about the effects of EFT on the blood, and thus, on the body.
Here are the objectives: to do this by this time, this by this time, and that by that time.
Of course there is more - over the next 4 weeks, Chris reveals how to figure the cost of doing the work, finding the lenders whose criteria match the request, etc.
Rebecca gets the grant, takes off the year it would take to do the work, and voila - there is now solid, detailed, scientific knowledge about the effects of EFT on the blood that wasn't there a year ago, and that will create a new, increased awareness of EFT and its value in the world.
What if you had the time, energy and money to implement your dream?
Please don't tell me you don't have one. You wouldn't be part of this readership if you didn't. You have wanted a better life, you have wanted more money, more peace, more freedom - TO BE YOU! I ask you, TO DO WHAT?
I guess you can't tell I care (not!). I do. I really do, and I want you and your unique voice to be heard, your unique vision to be implemented.
I actually was going to wait until Tuesday night to remind everyone that they had one last chance to sign up for this unique course (Chris doesn't teach it anywhere else the way she will this time).
But I feel so passionate about you getting what you deserve, what you've always wanted but never even thought to ask for help with - HERE'S THE LINK TO SIGN UP FOR THE 4-WEEK COURSE GO RIGHT HERE
Now. I've given you the first steps to thinking about and starting to write a proposal for a grant right here.
If you go to the p.s. below, you'll see that I have also given you the first steps to writing a book - ones that I use, myself.
What more do you want?
Go for it! See you Monday night - and then on Wednesday, April 12 for the course's first night.
aloha -
Angela Treat Lyon
It's on MONDAY, APRIL 10 at 7pm EST (yes, 7pm so it won't interfere with other tele-classes going on at the same time) to help you get over blocks, doubts, worries, and fears like: I can't write a grant proposal! I can't even think what I'd ask for! I can't ask anyone for money, esp. a big group of impartial people. I'm not important, my ideas aren't important - you get the idea.
I'm calling for a person who is willing to be the tapping proxy for the group - write me at [email protected] with ONE SENTENCE IN THE SUBJECT LINE as to what your biggest fear or doubt is, and what your dream is, if you have one you can think of.
Like this: My dream not important, want to go to Italy to paint with a group of women over 50.
Or, Can't ask for money, want to write a book.
IMPORTANT: I do NOT open the emails! So write ONLY the subject line!
I'll let you know if you are the chosen proxy, and what to do on the call.
Join us on the Monday call and we'll handle your doubts, fears, worries, and emotional blocks that keep you from choosing to go for it. Inspire yourself just this little, just this once - this may be the chance to break into that reservoir of magic you've been wanting all along.
You don't even need to sign up!
MONDAY, APRIL 10, at 6:55pm EST USA time
Call 1-641-297-7200
PIN 462022.
p.s. 3. HERE'S THE SECRET TO WRITING A BOOK - and I'm going to give it to you right here, so you have no excuse! - to the way to write a book on any subject, especially if it's your first book, so you can break ground.
The way to do it is to gather the top ten questions people ask you about what you're good at, or the top ten questions you'd ask an expert of some subject you admire.
You write an introduction - tell us what you're going to tell us, and why you decided to write the book, and to whom it is addressed (kids, adults, novel readers, etc.).
Create your table of contents - each chapter name is one of your questions.
Head each chapter with its own question.
Tell us what you're going to tell us, tell us by answering the question, then sum it up and tell us what you told us. Doesn't have to be long - most ebooks are from 10 to 90 pages nowadays - so don't feel you have to write a tome.
In an after-word, sum it all up - tell us what you told us. That's it. If it makes you happy, include refernces and other data.
Not too difficult, is it? If it's a book about questions you'd like to ask the experts, schedule your appointments, ask your questions, and go from there.
Now, tell me you haven't a book to write.
A playground to build.
A pet charity you'd like to help.
A project you've been yearning to complete for years.
A series of photographs, paintings, carvings, songs, plays, recordings.
A new business.
Further training in your profession - health care, law, design, agriculture.
A desire to help women who are empty-nesters.
Men who are retired and bored.
Men who just got out of the Army and need help adjusting to civilian life.
People with disabilities.
Kids who can't read, or crack babies.
Homeless people.
People who can't/won't write grants....
© Angela Treat Lyon 2006 • Please feel free to use this information or article in its entirety as long as you include all contact information. Thank you! -
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