I'd like to welcome all the new subscribers who joined recently. I strive to continually upgrade and improve what I offer through PIGEES.com/EFTBooks.com to provide you with the best service possible.
I hope you get what you need from the sites and all there is to offer through them!
My trip to LA this time was even better than May's, with lots of contacts, connections and a really big win that, when it appears on paper, I will tell you all about. Let's let it suffice to say that a past president of one of the largest financial organizations in the US has flipped out over my PIGEES books, and we'll soon be working to release the books and the new video I'm making of the PIGEES Wealth-Building story in a big way. I'm breathless with it - it's bigger than anything I dreamed would ever happen to little ole me! I'm not excited or anything....ha!
While I was gone, I received many notes asking when the next Slim, Trim, Fit classes, and the next Millionaire MasterMindSet Series were going to be. Thanks to everyone who wrote saying how much you enjoyed the latest classes and got such great results - makes me very happy to hear that! I love seeing you succeed at your dreams.
I'm including here the first part of the new series for the next couple of months until I go back to LA for the next round of meetings at IBI.
Since there are so many teleclasses offered at 8pm EDT, I'm setting up the series at both 9pm EDT so you can take advantage of them in easier time frames and not miss the other classes you want to take. If those of you for whom it would work better to attend weekend classes, please let me know so I can see about creating them.
Millionaire MasterMindSet Series
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9pm EDT 90 min.
Millionaire MasterMindSet Series I: Blast-Off Series
The Essential Seven Steps to Your Successful Business Foundation - and - Build Wealth as You Proceed
August 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17 (Tues., Thurs.) 9pm EDT
(includes the print-books version of the PIGEES Wealth-Building System)
• 6 90-minute teleclasses over a three-week period
• Guidance Using the PIGEES Wealth-Building System
• MP3 Recordings of each class
• A unique class journal made up of your feedback and questions to me in the between-class time periods.
• Build valuable relationships with the participants in your Series.
These spots move fast - grab yours for only 289.00 HERE
Millionaire MasterMindSet Series II: Advanced Series
Rocketing Your Business to the Next Level
August 22, 24, 29, 31, Sept 5, 7 (Tues., Thurs.) 9pm EDT
(Must have done Initial Series)
• 6 teleclasses over a three-week period
• Intro to the Easist, Most Powerful Business Promotional System Ever Invented that Creates Almost Instant Multiple Streams of Income (This is a brand-new, no-one knows-about-it, patent-pending technology an IBI friend has created. You'll be among the first in the entire world to hear about it only in this class)
• Continueing Guidance with the PIGEES Wealth-Building System
• MP3 Recordings of each class
• The unique class journal made up of your feedback and questions to me in the between-class time periods.
Claim your spot now (scroll down a bit) HERE. You should already have the PIGEES books from the former course.
Each Series grouping is limited to a maximum of 7 people to ensure quality interaction. 90-minute teleclasses, with audio recording available for free for those who were on the call only.
NOTE: These Series are incredibly low in price - for now. I will be rasing the prices after I get back from IBI in September. Take advantage of the Series now while the cost is still so low.
I'm looking forward to helping you build your success in health and wealth in these next classes!
aloha -
Angela Treat Lyon
p.s. If you want to accelerate the success or creation of your invention, products, services or existing business faster than anything you can imagine and make contacts and connections unlike any you have ever dreamed you could have, go and join IBI at IBIGlobal.com HERE - You'll be so glad you did it in time for the September Free Enterprise Forum!
I make no money by telling you about IBI - I simply wish the best and most for you, as well as having the selfish desire to have you in my playground making lots of dough and doing Good Things in the world.
It's well worth it to have so many leaders of Fortune 100 and 500 as prime contacts right at your fingertips. I can tell you honstely I may never have gotten - or it might have taken 10 years to get - the connections to the people I've met and am now working with as a result of my brief 2-month membership.
© Angela Treat Lyon 2006 • Please feel free to use this information or article in its entirety as long as you include all contact information. Thank you!
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