I forgot to tell you something. It's so basic, so fundamental, that I forget to say anything about it when I write you about this and that.
It's this: it's my intent to be a source of strength and inspiration to you who are moving from the State of Survival to the World of Thriving.
Because without an underlying motivational urge, one that is larger than I am and that inspires and uplifts *me*, how can I hope to supply anyone else with anything that is much more than programs that are disguised give-me-money or a lot of hype?
At the last 2 IBI Forums, BJ Dohrmann, the founder, who is a business genius and whose predictions are highly respected by top biz and economic people, and are 97% spot-on, drilled it into us that the time we are experiencing right now is unique in the history of the world and in economics because of the upswings in technology, global communication, information and its wide dissemination, and the radical upturn in the learning curve.
He says that we are at the end of the last leg of a 15-year economic boom, and predicts that the economy will do a major down-turn starting in January.
Now hear me out before you turn me off and say, "don't tell me such negative stuff!" I'm not here to discourage! This is a wake-up call, not a signal to turn tail and go slithering into a hole!
He said that it will be a down-turn that, IF we don't amp up our awareness and ability to do business from a place of cooperation rather than competition, it will last ten to twenty years or more.
When he first said that, a part of me grabbed what he said and stuffed it so deeply I almost didn't hear it.
I didn't want to hear it.
I REALLY didn't want to hear it. It scared the living doowah out of me. Here I'd been struggling for so very long, and was finally coming out of it and enjoying some success, and it was all going to go down the tubes? It terrified me. And it made me mad as hell.
Which is a good thing. It's good because it got me to wake up. It was uncomfortable (ha! that's an understatement!), but once I got over the initial shock of hearing such dire news, and denying that it was part of *my* reality (imagine me turning up an arrogant nose and sayin, "Huh! Not for me!" - denial? who, me?), I began to wonder how I could avert that downward experience for myself.
And I began to wonder how I could do even more to help other people find their way, as well. And it got me to go way deeper in my quest to live my belief that it's about cooperation instead of competition - which, of course, is what IBI is all about.
I ask, what if we all decided that an economic downturn was not a reality in which we wanted to participate?
What if we ***decided*** that we were going to create another reality, or paradigm, where we could not only survive, but thrive - in as big a way as we personally and globally wanted?
Why can't we take our challenges and transform them?
Why can't we take our lives and commit to not just living them, but creating them - as consciously and impeccably as we can? And in the process, enough of us do it that it creates a tipping point where the supposedly upcoming slide down never happens?
Why NOT??????
What are we doing, JUST trying to survive when there is so much possible? Who said, who set up the rule that we couldn't paddle past the rapids? Who put it into our heads that we had to sit and watch as the economy - or anything else, for that matter - drops dead in front of our eyes? Who said that? Fire them! Tell them they've been downsized! Don't even give them unemployment!
What are we doing, doubting ourselves? We all do it - on some level or other. We need to become much more conscious - aware and alert and alive - so we can shift what before seemed impossibly unapproachable, much less shiftable.
If right now is one of the most important times in our history, if there has never been a time like it, in my mind, that gives us permission to go way outside the miniscule confining painful boring box of the Old Norm.
I see right now as the most appropriate time ever to ensure that we all MAKE - not just take - the chance to live out our deepest, core-heart dreams. I see it as the utmost opportunity for possibilites that are beyond what we have ever dreamed before.
Instead of just succeeding in business or in life, why not succeed in a big way that includes others in ways we never thought of? How can we each be walking, talking examples of living our dreams?
I've said it before - it's not about money, it's not about making a living - it's about living from that core place, it's about living our making, it's about fulfilling our hearts' deepest desires.
The classes I offer are all based with that in mind. So think of that when I ask you to consider what it would be like for you to write a book, or to spread the word about your passion. Think of that when I offer EFT books, experts and classes for shifting the energy of unwanted emotions, thoughts and beliefs into creative power.
Think of that when I say I have a series of classes where I help you clarify your intentions and create a business where you can be successful. Because THAT is MY intention! If we aren't successful, we *will* go down. It's our responsibility to be successful!
Just as Al Gore says we can avert a planetary disaster, that if we take a stand for the health of the planet we can turn the global warming around, BJ is saying we can avert a financial fall.
I believe that we must - MUST - take a stand for our deepest heart beliefs and act from intentions of wholeness and prosperity.
We need to ask ourselves every day what it is we can do to stop living by default, stop living under the sway of invisible beliefs that hold us back from what our hearts really want, and start and continue to live from our core values and heart-filled dreams. No matter how hard that is at first, no matter how unsupported we might feel at first - simply no matter what.
What on earth else are we here on earth for? Not to be broke and surviving as best we can! Not to live out a life of drudgery and disappointment! Not to live an *almost* life!
Go watch "What the Bleep" again - reinstate the understanding that Quantum Physics is alive and well! Go get "The Secret" and watch it 100 times - the ideas and energy and love in those films are spot-on! But we forget and get lulled back into the daily grind.
It's our time! It's our opportunity to stop feeling helpless and DO our heart's deepest desire.
Do some soul-searching, ask those hard questions, ask your heart, ask your spouse what his or her heart wants, and amp up your part in creating a world where we can live in cooperation and prosperity - for everyone who wants to be a part of it. Why NOT????
Prosperity, success, cooperation - it's all an actual physical frequency. Are we vibrating at success, or are we vibrating at I'm-not-sure? We all need to choose and re-choose every day.
To the very best of my ability, on a daily basis, I'm choosing unlimited possibilities - what are you choosing? I'm here for you.
aloha -
Angela Treat Lyon
p.s. I have a little giftie here for you, in line with this rant: HERE
REMEMBER: “Thought allied fearlessly to purpose becomes creative force.” James Allen
p.p.s. All my marketing mentors would scold me to the max for not having any links to products or classes this note - "Take every opportunity to make yourself available!"
OK. Then I invite you to go HERE , scroll down to the yellow box, where you'll find the latest goings-on. As I said, I'm here for YOU. I want the best in YOUR life, for YOU.
As my friend, the inimitable Rebecca Marina says, "I want to light a fire under your butt!" Yeah! So - here's the match! Now, go!
© Angela Treat Lyon 2006 • Please feel free to use this information or article in its entirety as long as you include all contact information. Thank you!
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Thank you, Angela, thank you for your timely rant!
I just (yes, just; I'm blushing) realized that "doing business" in any shape or form is really about developing and nurturing relationships.
And you don't want to date or play with miserable people.
Also, thanks again for not just telling it like it is, but *showing* in your work and joint ventures with other marketers and eft practitioners that there is no competion, just parallel offers.
Posted by: Anna Lundevall | Sunday, September 17, 2006 at 01:18 AM