Last week in my public speaking class, someone gave me a hard time after one of my talks, scolding me for saying to the group that I wanted to help them live their dreams. She thought that I was assuming that they were not, already, living their dreams.
So in my next talk, I addressed them as if they were already successful, and I gave them ideas for increased success.
It worked - they liked it.
I thought I'd try the same idea when I told everyone about my Meet Your Future: Immersion class tomorrow and Monday, just to see what happened.
It didn't work. How many people will tell you their ad campaign didn't work? Let me tell you, not many. But I will, because what I learned was important not just for me but for you, too.
Here's the thing. When my speaking group told me they felt insulted that I assumed they weren't already living their dreams, I thought, they're right. I can't assume anything but the best of them.
Because if I do, then I'm actually creating them to be less-than - less successful, less prosperous, less-whatever - than they are. I'm creating an I-am-less-than mindset in them. A less-than vacuum. Then, when they see my solution, they will be sucked into this vacuum, this less-than feeling, by wanting something to fill it up. They will be lured into my solution.
Is this honorable? Is this supportive? No. It doesn't honor or support the reader's mindset. It brings it down a notch - or more - until they want something they perhaps don't even need. Effectively lowering their mindset to an "I need" vibration.
Does it work for the majority of marketers to do this? You bet!
Do I want to continue to support this mindset? No.
Even though I probably didn't get my idea across in the Meet Your Future: Immersion class email to you, I still would prefer to speak to you - and my speaking group - in a way that you feel **already** supported, not less-than. The only way to do that is to assume that everyone is already where they want to be, already as successful as they can be in that moment, already having received everything possible for them at that moment they read or hear my ideas.
This is very definitely not how we are encouraged to think of ourselves, is it?
Aren't we more used to thinking, "Yeah, right! I'm already successful? I don't think so!"
But the truth is, we are already as successful as we can be in this moment. NOT compared to how successful we can be in **potential**, but at this moment.
Nor is it how marketers are taught to market! We're taught to find a pain or hurt or a need, and exploit the heck out of it.
Well. Do **you** want to be seen as Being less-than? As needy? In pain, hurt and/or poverty mindset? I don't think so! I don't know anyone who wants to be perceived like that. You might feel pain, but is that your true identity? Who you ARE? I don't think so!
I believe we want to be seen as who we feel like we are underneath all the rust and stuff of conditioning and experience we wear around, as the divine spark we really are, walking around in human form.
So when I sent out my note about the Meet Your Future: Immersion class, I wanted to see 1, if I could write effective enough copy to pull it off, and 2, how many would respond to the support-you-as-you-are copy. Hardly anyone did.
Feedback: 1, I need to practice writing copy from that space more, and 2, it's easy to see how we are all used to being seen as needing, hurting, wanting: I need help, I need money, I want more success, I hurt, I'm sick, I'm broke, tired, hungry, can't do marketing, can't build a website, can't can't can't.
I invite you to come along on a very different journey with me. Where we all think of ourselves as already successful SO FAR in who we are and what we do, and that of course we can have **even more** success. Doesn't that sound more fun and fulfilling than, "I can't afford this, " or "I'm in such pain," or "I don't have money/friends/help etc."?
Yes, we still do want and need, but only in terms of what's the next step, not in terms of **who we are**. "My next step is to create a website" is very different from, "I need a website," or "I can't afford it." Feel the various statements - how they feel heavy and draining or light and full of possibility.
So from now on, watch each ad, each internet marketer's copy, each commerical on tv or in magazines. See what kinds of feelings they evoke in you.
Do you want to jump up and get some of those chips - even though you may not even like chips?
Does the ad make you want some "killer copy ideas" even though you hate the idea of "killer" anything?
Does it feel supportive to the person you are, or is it evoking a feeling of need and want in you where you're sucked into buying that product?
I invite you to see and feel yourself as whole, complete and radiant in this moment, to see how that feels in your body.
Compare that to how you feel as you are bombarded with any one of the more than 5000 ads and commericals during each day. See if you can respond to those ads to which you say yes from a place of, "This is what is right for my next step," or "I have and it's OK to have more." Rather than, "Oh! I neeed this so I can feel more prosperous, lucky, rich, able etc." or "This will fix it/me."
I prefer to do my best to see you as whole, radiant human beings who are already rich in knowledge, skills and experience. Who would benefit from what I have to offer to make that experience even richer, even more fun, daring and personally satisfying for you.
That's the consciousness I want to uphold and perpetuate. What if we looked at our lives and deleted what doesn't match our Beings, and continued to add what is supportive to our internal perfection?
It's a pretty big Game. But the essense is that if we don't play in it from the center of our own Essense, we get mislead and waylaid, expending our life energy to the point that we, indeed, see our very Being as sick, needy and worn out. I propose that we play from "I have, and I can have more. What is my next Step in the Game? What is it that is at once a challenge, wide open with possibilty, and contributes to my own and others' well-being?"
My best love to you,
aloha -
Angela Treat Lyon
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