What I have found when I procrastinate is that I'm somehow or other not admitting a truth to myself.
For instance, a few days ago, I found myself feeling angry and dragging my feet when I really "ought" to have been getting ready for a meeting.
I stopped and asked myself why I was dragging. What came up for me immediately was the thought, "I don't want to go, I'm enjoying what I'mdoing now." Oh. OK. Then I weighed going as opposed to not going, and the long-term benefits of either option. I went, because of various reasons not necessary to add here.
No more anxiety, no more black and blue me feeling guilty about being late or feeling angry because I really didn't want to go. I could make a clear, conscious choice that felt good.
It's very simple, and makes for a quick release of anxiety and self-blame (kicking myself for being late, feeling guilty for not showing up, guilty for ... - you name it.).
If we admit to ourselves the REAL reason we are late or are leaving something really important til the last minue, we can relieve ourselves of a lot of pain, and make new choices unavaiblable to us before.
Here are some of the reasons behind those times that I wait til the last minutes, or am late:
I'm not ready, or comfortable with my degree of readiness
I'd rather do what I'm doing right now and don't want to stop
I feel like what I'm working on or thinking about isn't really ready to make manifest yet
I want "it" - whatever "it" is - to be perfect before anyone sees it
I don't want to go
I don't want to see someone who might be there
I feel like I can't do whatever it might be well, or
I might feel afraid of criticism or laughter
I might feel nervous about presenting....
One of the best tools I have found for all this silliness is EFT. I use it a lot on myself - I'm one of the world's most stubborn people (as my poor coaches have found out, bless them!) - so many times I have to tap through stuff even I haven't admitted to. EFT is awesome for that. As are a couple of other little tricksy things I do to get myself in line with what I SAY to myself are important to me. Because as we all know, we can say one thing and then helplessly watch ourselves do a completely non-related, unaligned, even really stupid, other thing altoghether. Can you relate?
Now, one of the things I notice about people who procrastinate is that they often call themselves procrastinators. No. You are not a procrastinator. You are a PERSON who SOMETIMES (or even often) PROCRASTINATES.
Very different! The first one feels guilty and kicks himself black and blue, the other notices and does something about it. Which would you rather be?
What is it you procrastinate about?
What would you rather do?
What's in your way?
How would you like to have more peace, like yourself - and respect yourself better?
How would you like to have fewer inner bruises?
More relaxed time to do what you want to do?
How would you like to have less anxiety and more fun?
Come join me on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19
at 8pm EST USA time, 60 minutes.
We're going to do some truth-telling, lots of laughing, and getting under that tendency to be late - because I'm telling you, there is a delightful surprise under all that old stuff that you will be amazed to find. I want you to have it.
Register for the call here for $24.95:
See you tomorrow!
aloha -
Angela Treat Lyon
p.s. The call is recorded so even if you can't come for the live class, register anyway and be notified first of everyone when it's ready to listen to and tap along with!
© Angela Treat Lyon 2006 • Please feel free to use this information or article in its entirety as long as you include all contact information. Thank you!
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