I don't know about you, but I'm just a little shocked that it's not only October already, but it's almost the end of the month! Yeow! Where does time go, anyway?
I look at the long list of things I want to do and can hardly believe I think I can do it all. Yet, looking back on my life, I've done a lot more. So, yes, I will indeed get them done.
But I hold myself back at times. I get afraid. I get anxious I might fail - or even succeed. I leave projects to the very last minute and cheat myself out of a beefier outcome - not to mention sales and reveue I would have gotten, too.
We all do this same thing, now and then.
But that's OK, because we know how to deal with them, right? Good old EFT.
Today Barbara and Ann and I decided to slough off procrastination! We looked at what was in our way, yes, but more importantly, we decided what we wanted INSTEAD. Because you can't keep your eye on the road if it's always looking in the rear-view mirror.
If you, too, procrastinate, leave things til the last minute, arrive late, don't prepare fully, put things off - then you will definitely want the recording of today's call. It's ready HERE .
Because - instead of worrying about all the "bad" things we do, we created the GREAT way we ARE. That we want to live. That we want to feel.
We decided that, instead of being late, not doing that one hour's worth of preparation that would have gotten us the account or the job or the ability to complete a project; instead of playing a role or simply living out our days doing what is "needed," or "what we "ought" to do," we want to live our wild, outrageous, passionate REAL selves! Right? That same self we haven't dared let aaaaaaall the way out most of our lives?
What if you, as a whole, happy, energetic being, were able to feel comfortable BEing that way all the time? Or even 50% more than you do now?
Would that be awesome or what?
I recently watched Deepa Mehta's movie, "Water". It was a mind-cracker about the widows in India. Did you know that there are 36 MILLION - not hundred, not thousand - million - widows in India? Who comprise 50% of the female population over 50?
Did you know that girls there can be married off at any age - sometimes as early as 1 or 2 years old?
When their husbands die, they are made to go live in ashrams for widows, eat one meager meal a day, wear only white, shave their heads and be looked at as pollutants on the rest of the population. What a waste.
Yeow! And we fret about *our* trivial worries? How would it feel to go out in the marketplace and be regarded as dirt? To not be allowed to let even your shadow fall on a new bride, lest she, too, become a widow?
Gives us some prespective, doesn't it? We have it just a bit easier than that. And we procrastinate? Why? When we have so many opportunities right in front of us?
So. I suggest you look inside at that glorious, wondrous BEing at your core. Love her, love him, and come out to play! We want you! We want your humor, your wit, your pleasure, your laugh, your tears and your rage at things unfair, your intelligence and your motivation to fulfill your potential. We want your beauty and your lovely heart.
If you are holding yourself back for fear of lack of approval, or because you "need the money," or because you "might lose (wife, husband, lover, job, etc.)" - let me tell you, you have already lost them - you never had them because you didn't have *you* all the way. Get more YOUness happening - let's quit stalling.
Get the recording and listen right now, right HERE .
aloha love -
Angela Treat Lyon
p.s. The night I saw that movie, I went to bed asking myself - again - about who I really am, how I really feel at my core.
I felt this wild, red, brilliant, bold, expansive energy froth up from within me and I couldn't lie there anymore. I got up and danced all by myself in my little house until I was too tired to anymore. I lay back down and slept better than I have in months. I felt truly alive, truly grateful to be me and to be who and what and where I am. How do *you* feel?
© Angela Treat Lyon 2006 • Please feel free to use this information or article in its entirety as long as you include all contact information. Thank you!
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