Do you know what a lens is? No, not on a camera—on the internet. I just found out about them this summer.
Imagine that you want to find out info about a subject, and there is a simple site where you can access links, affiliate programs, articles, books, apparel, recipes, polls—you name it—all about—ONLY about—that subject.
That's a lens. It's a deep well, rather than a shallow puddle—which is how a "normal" website is compared.
Now. Many of you have asked me how you can create a website revolving around your business. This is one of many ways to do it. Point it to your business blog, or vicey versey—and lots of traffic, lots of opportunity for income.
Setting up a lens is easy, fast, and is no cost to you, other than your time and energy.
The name of the place to go to set your up is, a site imagined, innovated and put together by Seth Godin, who you may know as a radical guy in internet marketing and innovation (Think Purple Cow, Bootstrapper's Bible, Do Less etc).
There's a whole nother aspect to building a lens through Squidoo I love—when you get paid for any affiliate stuff from them, you can choose to take part of it and shunt it over to a charity of coice. You can choose how much and when. Check this out—this is very cool—tonight I got this note from Seth:
"This morning, Squidoo reached 50,000 lenses.
"Thanks to you, we've got a vibrant, fascinating, fast-growing community on our hands. There are riffers, businesses, artists, marketers, readers, bakers, athletes, teachers (and you) all recommending the best stuff online, all helping make the web work better.
"What's more, you've already raised tens of thousands of dollars for charity. In just a few months, you guys have built a library in Cambodia, given underprivileged children the chance at a top-notch education, helped in the search for a cure for juvenile diabetes, and most recently you've helped - go HERE give 53 African kids their ARV medicine.
"So, thanks.
"Seth Godin
Original Squid"
This is very cool! Now:
Go to HERE and see what it's all about. I have to admit that once you get there you will probably be confused at the lack of info - the pages are meant to be self-explanatory.
What you'll see is a front page with a list of links to recently created lenses, and a make your own lens link. That's it. No how-to's, about-us, what-you-get - nada.
So if you have an object of obsession that you already have collected data and links and photos and such about, you're pretty much all set to go. If you do not, you'll be wise to sign up and have yr account waiting, then go collect stuff.
It's a bit confusing at one point in the creation of the lens as there is no explanation about what kind of lens to make. Email me, and I will see if I can help you. Lyon(at)
I think you'll be excited at the possibilities. When I get good enough at building them, I'll do a class to walk you through building one the way I was walked through, myself.
© Angela Treat Lyon 2006 • Please feel free to use this information or article in its entirety as long as you include all contact information. Thank you! -
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