Everything on my beach walk yesterday morning—that magical just-after-dawn time—had a yellow hue to it, giving everything a radiant quality that hadn't disappeared under the brilliance of high noon's glaring sun yet. I love that—that and the time right before sunset when the saturated afternoon light comes through leaves and flowers at a slant and lights them up like green and multi-hued living jewels.
As I walk down the beach, I do a little exercise with my eyes—not to see physically beter, but to see from my inner senses better. Try this: as you look at any shadow, ask yourself what color it is. Allow yourself to really look. I guarantee you that it will not be black! Usually it is a combination of light and dark hues that are some permutation of the same color of the surface upon which the shadow lies.
But look again. If you are discerning, you can see blues and deep violets, sometimes grey-blues, sometimes bright purples. Shadows can be quite beautiful all in themselves.
So as I walk down the beach, I try to discern exactly what color I would mix on my palette if I were to paint the scene in front of me. It's hard! The colors are so mixed it's hard to put a name on them! I end up creating mixed colors in my head, and then go home and attempt to get it onto canvas before the freshness of my memory disappears: silver water receding to the scruffy grey-white flecked surf's edge; the upper beach sand a bright orangey-yellow, while the sand near the waves is a purplish/light-silver/blue as it sucks up the receding water; the shallow water a light aqua with bright, almost neon slashes of light blue as the waves undulate under the bird's egg blue sky. Our crayons never gave us those shades!
When I paint, I use an Old Master technique that involves putting layers of a rich, rusty mid-hue brown called Sienna over the entire canvas before painting anything else. But here in Hawaii, I first start with a layer of yellow under that brown. Why? Because that layer ultimately, even though covered up by all the other subsequent layers of paint, will glow through to the surface and give the finished painting a radiance that makes it look as if it were painted with ground opals.
Why am I talking about painting and undercoats and colors? Because I have noticed a real correlation between our inner and outer lives and the way a painting is constructed. Our Whole Self is a brilliant, glowing white-gold, and even when we cover it all up with the dark greys and browns and mud-colors of doubts and worries and fears, it still can glow through to the surface and radiates out to the rest of the universe.
And our shadows are never as deeply black as we think they are, and are usually only attached to us by the smallest part of us—our ankles or feet! And although we get annoyed with our shadows, and feel limited and trapped by them, all we need to do is turn and face the light again, and our shadow is behind us, instead of between us and the light.
I suppose I could do a whole full-blown analogy, but you get the idea.
I ask you: How are you painting/perceiving your Self-Masterpiece?
How are you viewing your shadows?
Your waves?
Your beach?
Your trees and gardens?
How are you feeding the light and cleaning up the messes you make in your inner studio?
Do you even see yourself as a masterpiece in the making?
I encourage you to do so. And to remember that there is no perfect style, there is no way to lay on the paint that's better than another, there is no human canvas better than another—it is what it is, and you are how you are.
Do you see your beauty, or instead, just your perceived blemishes?
Do you concentrate on your shadows, or do you focus on what you can create with your brilliant, limitless palette and enormous cosmos-sized brushes?
Do you paint yourself into dark corners, or are your canvasses huge, expansive and full of light?
It's OK to paint over goofs and clumsy parts. It's OK to use different kinds of paint, outrageous colors no one else would combine or put next to each other. It's OK to paint out of the lines—if there even ARE any lines! It's OK to create you just as you want. It's YOUR painting, and you get to say how it looks.
Be free, be color, be beautiful. You are your own best masterpiece. We love to look at your beauty, enjoy your style, your colors, your brilliance, subtlety, harmony, your unique inner story. We love you.
aloha -
Angela Treat Lyon
p.s. Here's the audio from the first Peace-Power call—listen and tap for an improved holiday experience this year—not to mention the rest of the year!
Today's call will be available tomorrow sometime. It was a blockbuster all about letting go and transforming old fear and pain into usable, delighted energy.
© Angela Treat Lyon 2006 • Please feel free to use this information or article in its entirety as long as you include all contact information. Thank you!
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