Here's how I was able to be away from home for 37 days - most of them in Mexico, land of fab food - and not only lose weight but feel great!
I walked every day - until I got up to 3 miles a day the last week!
I ate like a horse - but only three times a day, lightly, and only foods I knew that I didn't have an allergic reaction to, like wheat or peanut butter. I stuck to corn tortillas and corn chips - of course they were all freshly made, too!
I did eat sugar now and then, and that nasty dark chocolate I brought for a friend seemed to end up in me, not him! Huh! But I'm over that now....
I took these New Sun Health products:
(fantastic for weight loss - I take one between each meal)
for every time we had a particularly fatty meal,
MasterMind to keep my mind clear,
and to top it all off,
Salmana to help cell communication and the function of all the vitamins and enzymes.
I also love and use their Liquid Vitamin and Minerals.
I"m really amazed that I didn't come home bigger than a tank - every other time I've taken a long trip I have. But I actually dropped a few pounds. Amazing.
If you want to see if you can get results like that, you can order New Sun Health products by calling 1-800-544-0777. The representatives are trained to help you choose what will work for your unique body.
If you'd like to listen in on the free private calls I made with New Sun owner, Ceil Salvadori, her is where to find them - both are a little less than 60 minutes long:
Lose weight, feel better and have more energy! Go
Create abundant health and have tons of energy! Go
© Angela Treat Lyon 2006 • Please feel free to use this information or article in its entirety as long as you include all contact information. Thank you! -
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