To start the ball rolling this year, one of my favorite people in the world is coming to be with us: EFT Master Dr. Patricia Carrington! I know you remember her - she's the one who gave us the brilliant innovation of the EFT Choices statement.
She showed us her NEW EFT system of Creating & Anchoring Positive Future Memories!
Get the freebie Creating & Anchoring Positive Future Memories audio - 60 minutes: HERE. Please download it all the way to your computer desktop!!!
You may also know of Pat as someone who also has worked with Drs Carol Look and Sandi Radomski in producing a dynamic interactive computer program for using EFT for weight-loss (HERE . ). She also runs the EFT certification program.
Recently, Pat awoke one morning with a startling vision. She spent the next few days playing with what she had found, and has now developed a new EFT system around what she experienced that morning.
I'll give you a little pre-call hint about it: you know how you can go through your day and little parts of it were wonderful little snippets - but you didn't really stop and pay attention to them, and by that night you'd pretty much forgotten all about them as individual units of pleasure?
What if you knew how to add more impact and deeper feeling to some of those little freeze-framed snippets, and then could add them to your store of Wonderful Memories to draw upon their energy at will? Pat is going to show you how to do just that, and we have a special just-for-you report that you'll get as a freebie when you register for the call.
Get the freebie Creating & Anchoring Positive Future Memories audio - 60 minutes: HERE. Please download it all the way to your computer desktop!!!
aloha -
Angela Treat Lyon
p.s. Do you remember me telling you about that terrific little book, The Great Little Book of Afformations? Well, the author, Noah St. John, and I have been talking, and today he agreed to come on one of our live calls next month! He's going to show us how to use his manifest-by-asking-the-universe-the-right-questions method, and more. So keep Thursday, February 1 at 8pm EST open - I'll have the signup page ready soon! I have an amazing story to tell you that happened to me, using his method.
p.p.s. In case you missed the "Conquer Procrastination" call last fall - I have had so many people tell me it was so helpful, and so many requests for it that I thought I'd make it available again to those of you who want it: HERE .
p.p.p.s. See how I ate like a horse over the holidays and didn't gain one single ounce: HERE .
© Angela Treat Lyon 2006 • Please feel free to use this information or article in its entirety as long as you include all contact information. Thank you! -
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