I just bought a new car. Well, it's a 2005-new car, but it's new enough for me! Here's what happened:
I had the distinct displeasure of coming home from a relaxing month away to find that my old car wouldn't start. After tinkering with it, Jamie, my mechanic, said it was dead, and gave me the number to call the guy who hauls cars away for free. Uh - gee thanks!
Buying a new car was very definitely NOT on my January wish list. But something really strange and wonderful happened.
Instead of getting upset - which would have been really easy, with the amount of stuff I had to get done in a very short time, and there I was with no wheels - I simply relaxed back into it and decided to feel good, no matter what Instead of calling here and there and finding prices and going to look at cars, I thought I'd just wait a couple days. I did a little process I use, and repeated to myself my old standby, "Something amazing is happening."
Two days later, Jamie called and hooked me up with a dealer who had one of his guys come pick me up so I didn't have to get a ride, which was nice, and then showed me his lot.
Well, I'm thinking, no, no, no, maybe, no, no - and so on as he shows me these cars - most of which were way beyond what I wanted to spend. Then we turn a corner, and there is a 2005 PT Cruiser (cream colored with black convertible top!) priced just right. Not what I'd have bought if there were more choices, but I didn't want to wait any longer, and he secured financing for a very reasonable amount that would work for me. I drove it off the lot. Happily.
It was so easy. I stayed relaxed and happy. I got an almost brand new car for a song and really good financing, helping me not only have less old-car hassle, but it would also help my quest to continue building my credit as well.
I decided that from now on, I was going to make Relax and Succeed my policy.
To get the audio from this class, go HERE.
Get Get Get!
Aren't you tired of all the "get get get" we're doing? Man, it takes so much energy - I end up exhausted and, most times, disappointed at what happened or what I ended up with. I'm tired of it. I was so pleased with how easy that car deal was. I want all my dealings in the world to be that easy. I want to be able to dream something up, do my little process, say to myself, "Something amazing is happening," and see the creation plop right into my lap.
Impossible, you say? I disagree, because I've done it so many times, myself. Woudn't you like to be a Masterful Manifester?
Now that the new year is offically done being ushered in and the initial craze of setting goals and making resolutions is now over - thank goodness - I've decided to have a teleclass on making this year the best ever, and using the process I'm talking about. What ideas do you have for this year? How would you like to be calm, relax and watch them happen even better than you ever dreamed them? I would. I have my little list, and I'll be doing it, myself. I'd love to have you come along with me.
Because a thought, a dream or an idea isn't anything until you put action to it. A visualization or afformation or goal is nothing until you take action.
However - the KIND of action you take is really important!
Rush-rush, get-get - nope - that isn't it. There's another, calm, clear, more exciting and simultaneously relaxed way to do it. I want to show you how. It's how I created a whole month off last month and the new car.
It's also how I was able to eat like a horse over the holidays and not gain one ounce, and also to paint 11 good paintings when I was in Mexico.
You can create like that, too! Whether it's about your weight, your income, your biz, or what.
Listen to the audio with a list of a few things you want to get done this year. I'll show you how to not just get it done, but have a good time creating it, being calm, relaxed and enthusiastic, and successful - on your terms. You'll see how to take those dreams - I want to make $x, I want a better house, I want a business partner who's good at admin, etc. - and make them into concrete reality.
To get the audio from this class, go HERE.
aloha -
Angela Treat Lyon
p.s. Since many of you are still asking for it, here's the link for the "Conquer Procrastination" recording from last fall: HERE.
...and.... Just so you can tempt yourself with the best fudge ever - or make it and win prizes at the fair or wow your potluck pals, you'll want to see this - Eternal-Bliss-Fudge.com: HERE.
© Angela Treat Lyon 2006 • Please feel free to use this information or article in its entirety as long as you include all contact information. Thank you!
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