Your Body Speaks
Assumptions and Beliefs
White Lists
It's been a strange week for me - ordinarily I'd have given two classes last week, but suddenly found myself flat with a bad cough! To me, a sore throat and cough means there's something my inner conscious is trying to "cough up," so I figured my body was trying to give me something I'd been holding down. So I just allowed myself to lie there and "listen" to what was "coming up" in my mind. When the cough went to my chest, I then asked my heart what it wanted. As I listened to what was going on for me, I had some cool ideas I'm implementing in the next few weeks - stay tuned!
Remember to listen to your body - if you're not familiar with asking it what it wants, you might want to refer to Loiuse Hays' book, Heal Your Body A-Z.
I'm almost at 100% now, so this Tuesday we'll have an awesome call.
The Secret movie is an intro to some pretty powerful concepts. Obviously, they couldn't go into the how-to of it in depth with the time they had. That's OK - leaves plenty of room for others to take up where they left off.
I feel that one of the most important steps in their process is the second step (Ask, *Believe*, and Receive). Because if you don't believe you can have, be or do something, you'll undermine it before it has a chance. They don't go into how to believe in the movie. So, 2 weeks ago, I did a call on it.
A few days later, I got a note from someone who said she had listened all the way through the audio (Get it here: Secret of the Secret Call .) of the class. She said she was disappointed because it was "just an EFT session for the people on the call, and you didn't explain about how to get yourself to believe."
Here's what's important about what she said. I was guilty of complacency and making assumptions - I've gotten so used to everyone on my list being familiar with EFT that I left out important intro material - I assumed everyone on the call and who would listen in future would know EFT - that they would know that negative beliefs block what good is coming to us.
Bad me! I should know better! I've had people write and say, "EFT? Electronic Funds Transfer? Tapping? Huh?"
OK, I blew it. So: EFT stands for the Emotional Freedom Techniques. It's the powerful self-help tool using simple phrasing and tapping on specific points on the body to shift negative energy into usable, creative energy.
I also forgot to tell about how you can tap on yourself and benefit others; that you can tap with someone else on their issue - and your own will resolve (a neat side-effect called Borrowing Benefits); and that you can tap on anything - physical, mental, or emotional.
Tap along with us on three powerful "I don't believe I can have it" issues we covered (and now believe we can have):
I can't believe I can get:
* The money I want
* The weight/health I want to achieve, or
* Being able to invest wisely in real estate -
Get the Secret Beliefs audio here -
and tap along and get the same results!
Other than the missing intro for EFT, it was a great call! Get it here: Secret of the Secret Call .
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Think about it - I get 500 spam emails a day alone - can you imagine how many real emails I get? We just don't have time to go in and answer the earthlink or other spam invitations so we can send you your info!
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aloha, Angela Treat Lyon
© Angela Treat Lyon 2006 • Feel free to use this information or article - without changing or deleting anything, and including all contact information. Thank you! -
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