My neighbors, a mid-60's woman and her 30-something son - who I think is a little short on his marble supply - fight tooth and nail. Luckily it only happens about once a month, but it's so boring and the cops always come and it's loud and interrupts my day. Or night. One time he threw a TV at her. Not nice.
Yesterday they went at it again, and I decided I'd had it with them. So I walked over next to the fence near where they stood out in the major-echoing garage - for everyone to hear, of course - and listened to what they were fighting about. She was demanding he pay his rent share, and he was threatening to kill himself (again). Then I tapped on myself.
First, I took the son's part, as he's the most violent and volatile.
Even though
I'm so p------d off
I feel like such a fool to be so old living with my mom
I have such a crummy job
I hate my job
I hate myself
I hate the power she has over me
How dare she ask me for rent
I can hardly get by as it is
I'm so afraid she'll kick me out
I won't be able to make it
It's all her fault for raising me like she did
I hate myself for yelling at her
I feel so helpless
I can't help any of this
I wish I could die.
She'll see! She'll miss me and then wish she hadn't been so hard on me!
I hate this!
I'm so powerless.
As soon as I got to "I'm powerless," I felt a huge breath-yawn, and he stopped yelling. But she was still at it. So I started again, taking her part -
Even though
I don't want him here anymore
He's too old to live at home anymore
But I feel sorry for him
He can't make it
I don't believe he can
I hate how he yells at me
I feel so scared of him
He might kill me
Or himself
He gave his father a heart attack when he threw that TV at me
I don't want to go like that, too
I hate how we fight
I don't know what else to do
He gets on my nerves
I wish he'd go live with his girlfriend
I can't kick him out
I feel so stuck!
She was no longer yelling when I got to that last phrase. Now they were both just talking, but still with escalated emotion. I kept tapping - this time for both of them:
Even though
We have just fought
It felt awful
I really don't want to fight
I just don't know how to get my way without it
I wish there was another way
I choose to find another way
I don't want to fight anymore
I want both of us to win
I want to be happy and at peace with each other
Again, a deep breath. Now the son was getting in his car and driving off. Mind you, in the past, these fights have gone on from one to three hours of screaming and cussing and crashing. And at the end, he'd always drive (blast) off.
But this time, they only fought for maybe twenty minutes, and he drove off, but he didn't SLAM his car door shut, jam the garage door like he has in the past, or squeal away leaving 50-foot skid marks on the pavement.
What a relief! I can't even imagine why I never thought of tapping for them before!
aloha -
Angela Treat Lyon
p.s. Get the new audio here: The Secret of The Secret.
© Angela Treat Lyon 2006 • Please feel free to use this information or article in its entirety as long as you include all contact information. Thank you! -
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What a riot! I wonder what would happen if you went out there with those fluffy things that cheerleaders use, and jumped up and down, cheerleading them! Yay Hubby! Yay Wifey! Either they'd go off in a huff or start laughing -
At any rate, though, I think we do attract the energy somehow - tapping on your feelings is probably the same as tapping on theirs.
I like to take "their" position when I do the surrogate tapping because if I indeed did attract them, then I can understand what unexpressed feelings I need to resolve, myself.
Thanks, Ryan -
aloha -
Posted by: Angela | Wednesday, April 18, 2007 at 10:46 AM
Great story. There is a couple that lives near us somewhere, that 3-4 times a year decides to have a massive fight. We live on a country road at an intersection. There is enough distance between houses that you can see our neighbors, but they aren't too close. Anyway, every time this couple gets into it, they decide to always park in front of our house and then proceed to get out and get into their car with their screaming match. Not so sure what is so special about the the front of our house yet. Another angle I've tried, relative to yours, is tapping on all MY feelings about the situation. I mean, I must be attracting this to me for some reason right? That diffuses it quickly as well. Keep up the good work!
Posted by: Ryan K. | Wednesday, April 18, 2007 at 05:40 AM