A movie I watched tonight made me think of all the latest rah-rah about The Secret movie, and what had been bothering me underneath all the rah-rah. This movie, an older one called Les Choristes, or, The Chorus, was all about believing in something beautiful, something true, something Right about life.
I'll admit it - I'm a sucker for feel-good movies. And I find that at certain parts, my eyes do a bit of independent watering. Not boo-hoo crying, but the kind of leaky eyes that comes from that special place in the heart that recognizes the presence of something much bigger than the tiny us, much more grand and magnificent.
I always look for the archetypal thread running under any movie or story. In this one, even though the choral master was fired at the end, he had accomplished 60 miracles - 60 boys in a rough school in France for "loser" kids, who were finally given love and attention and taught to do something that raised their spirits. The master took a chance, and came out of his own shell and lived his passion.
That's what the real secret behind The Secret is. It's not really about "getting." It's about BEING. It's about being who you are no matter what happens in your life. And that, if you press your primal self down, it will leak up and out at the very tiniest spark of chance, like this man's did.
And that's what makes me come to weep - the resiliency of the spirit, the never-give-up, perpetual push against and flowing around and getting past the energy of NO, the eternal longing to flower and fulfill.
As a child, instead of crying or moping when I was sent to my room, I just closed my door and got to drawing - what heaven to be left alone! My father used to say that I was contrary, stubborn, a pain in the neck. But under it, I know he admired my abiltiy to stand up for what I believed in, to hold firm and do it even though I was punished for petty stupid stuff, and even make opportunities to create when I was supposedly being punished. I bet if you look at your own life, you'll find a similar experience.
We don't *have* to be intensely great people or make enormous differences in the world - what we really need is to take a stand, and allow our hearts to sing and our song to be heard. We need to look at the Secret as a huge gift that says, "YES! It's time!" Because now that the secret is out, we can all use it to improve our lives and bring our spirits out to live in wholeness and harmony.
What is the real secret? I don't think there is any one Big Secret. Rather, I believe we need to look within and ask, "what is it I would do if I knew I wasn't going to get a chance to do it ever again?" And allow our love, our passion to run out every pore of our bodies, taking delight in each moment along the way, no matter what, allowing that thing to take flower.
What have you wanted to create?
What have you left undone that one tiny crack in the insistence of NO will allow you break out and get to it, to complete or finish?
What song is in your heart that you'd follow to its - and your - fulfillment?
I say do it! And do it now! I'm daring me, so I can say, "I dare you," too!
Angela Treat Lyon
p.s. I've needed to do a lot of tapping in the past few weeks as I moved through a pneumonia kind of thing, and needed more energy. Maybe you need more, too. Here's an audio on Reclaiming Your Energy - it's only 9.95 - for now. April will see a big change in all audio prices, so do take advantage of it now:
Reclaim Your Energy.
p.p.s. - Remember now - I'm daring you to jump out of same-old, same-old, and feed that dream of yours. WE need it, even if you don't think it's any big deal, have no faith in youself, or whatever. Get to it!
© Angela Treat Lyon 2006 • You can feel free to use this information or article in its entirety as long as you include all contact information. Thank you!
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