I seem to be hooked on surrogate tapping. I went out to a Japanese restaurant last week with a friend who has experienced severe reactions to MSG. The restaurant, one of the best here in Honolulu, claims NO MSG loudly on the menu, so we figured we were safe.
Alas, halfway through our meal, she got short of breath, red in the face, puffy around the eyes, and itchy on her hands and feet - for her, a classic break-out response.
Fortunately, she knows EFT, and that I'm an EFT maniac, so wasn't surprised that I hopped right over to her side of the booth and started tapping on her. We knew it had to be MSG as there was nothing else she reacted to on her plate.
We tapped on:
I'm so freaked that they said there was no MSG and it's there
How it must have been in a sauce they bought
I'm so shocked and surprised
I'm afraid I better not let my guard down anywhere
I hate not being able to eat without doubt
I'm so afraid of dying
I can't breathe
My hands and feet itch like crazy
I'm embarrassed how I look in front of everyone
That got a lot of relief right off. But there was still more to come: I asked her if there was any emotional issue that would have contributed to this outbreak. She said the only thing that came to mind was that she had just gotten involved in a new business with her sons, and wasn't feeling "like she could breathe" in it yet, as the sons let her know what they wanted in a powerful and forceful way, and she felt intimidated by their energy. Which, as an aside, is funny, as she's no slouch!
When we stopped tapping the first round, she started weeping, and said "I don't think I can do it, I can't breathe and feel such terror when they tell me what to do like that."
So we tapped on:
I can't breathe
I'm terrified they'll run all over me
I feel so useless
I don't believe in myself
Why did I ever agree to do this?
I'm the Manager, why am I letting them control me?
They asked me to do this - what am I thinking?
They're just testing me to see if I can cut it
As soon as she said that last phrase, she started laughing, and said, "This is silly! Of course I can do this! I'm the one who taught *them* how to be intense!"
I asked her how she felt, and she shook herself a little, like a dog when it gets wet - kind of funny in a classy restaurant! - and took a big deep breath -and said, "I'm fine! Wow!" I could hardly believe it - it's always taken a few days for her to get back to normal again after an outbreak. But her body really was back to normal again.
Word to the wise: when we asked about the MSG afterwards, they insisted that they didn't use it in their prep. But, they said, you have to know that most restaurants use pre-made sauces, in which it is entirely possible that the culprit might lurk. Makes it hard to eat out, but it's good to know to stay away from any restaurant food that has sauces.
aloha, Angela Treat Lyon
p.s. Get my new audio here: The Secret of The Secret.
© Angela Treat Lyon 2006 • Please feel free to use this information or article in its entirety as long as you include all contact information. Thank you!
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