A little more than 5 years ago, I was living in New Zealand, serving as the first Artist in Residence at a new Art Centre in a little town called Gore, way down at the bottom of the South Island.
Much as I loved NZ and the wonderful, gracious people there, I was still struggling with two distinct, but for me, not separable issues: depression and money.
Every morning for the previous 35 years, I awoke gloomy, sad, depressed and feeling as if life was not worth living. I was dead broke after a long bout with heavy metals poisoning - it took me 10 years to recover, and during that time I had lost everything and almost everyone.
I look back now in wonder as I see how much strength it took for me to keep on keeping on despite the downward tendencies of my mind - during that same 35-year time, I was in advertising, I became a well-known and very successful studio potter, a stone sculptor and painter! And yet, my viewpoint was at the bottom of a very deep, dark well.
At the same time, I somehow also pursued my fascination with alternative energy therapies, training in Filipino Psychic Surgery, Angel Healing, crystal healing, Brain Gym, Neural Intergration, the Avatar courses, Holographic Repatterning and others.
And I was suicidally depressed?!? Doesn't make much sense, does it? How did I do that?
Truth was, though, that death sat on my shoulder every minute of every day, distracting me from my joy and any lasting ability to be involved in and participate in life to any real extent.
It was there in NZ that I "accidentally" bumped into a way to handle all kinds of emotional overloads, constrictions and pain. Most of you know what I am talking about - yup - EFT.
And I'm telling all this to you because, even though you may have heard of and used EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques, you may not know how utterly powerful the Personal Peace Procedure that EFT founder, Gary Craig teaches, is. It's what I used to defuse and completely eliminate that suicidal tendency.
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